Monday, July 22, 2013

Balance Your Time

This is my first post of my Success blog.

Success is no accident. It takes hard work and many other skills. I maintain a List of Keys to Success and I'll write about what I feel are the keys.

Item #22 is Balance you time.

I find this difficult to do.  Habits get in the way. Also once I get started on a task it's hard to stop. So what I currently do is keep a list of things I want to do. I set a 15 minute timer and randomly select a task to work on.

Another way is to create a list of goals and randomly select them. I'm currently working on version of this in Excel which I'll release some day. But in the meantime you can sign-up for and create a list then just click shuffle or select a random item and you're on your way to balancing your time.